Come along for 1hr , 2hr, 4hr etc or the full 24hr! A great event with lots of entertainment and all for a very important cause.
12-13th August 2023
Venue location: Kirrie Show Field, Eastmuirhead of Logie, Kirriemuir, DD8 5PH
Relay for Life is a perfect charity event for Kirriemuir, or maybe Kirriemuir is perfect for Relay for Life! The people of Kirriemuir always embrace a challenge and the opportunity to work together as a community – and this has been highlighted by the fantastic response to our previous Relays, which have been held since 2007. Cancer affects everyone and the people of Kirriemuir are certainly doing their bit to help raise funds to beat this disease. Kirriemuir Relay for Life goes from strength to strength and we’re looking forward to the 2023 event and to welcoming teams from Kirriemuir and the surrounding area to the Kirrie Show Field on the outskirts of the town. Hope to see you there!
Relay For Life is a unique fundraising event. It gives your community the chance to celebrate the lives of those touched by cancer and to raise money to bring hope for the future. We are planning a number of events to help raise some money for the event. Please keep checking back to keep up to date with what is happening.
As a club we are planning fundraising events to support this event, details are on our social events page as they are arranged.
The Relay for LIfe is a 24hr event, at least 1 team member has to be on the track at a time whether you run, hop or walk. There is all sorts of entertainment organised to keep everyone amused for the 24hrs including: bands, silent disco, quizzes, bingo, exercise classes, etc. You can choose whether or not you are there for the whole 24 hours.
More information is available on their website and facebook page.
Click here to register your team relay.cancerresearchuk.org/site/TR
If your Team Members do not have access to the internet, they can register by calling 0300 123 1026 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm).